
Statistically, about 30 – 50 % of men suffer from gynaecomastia. It is not a serious illness, but can cause psychological discomfort and the loss of self-esteem. Neither sports nor any diet helps to escape from it, since gynaecomastia is not necessarily caused by excess localized fat.

Gynaecomastia is the enlargement of glandular and/or fat tissue in males. There are many reasons that can cause these symptoms, starting from physiological such as hormone imbalance (appears in new-borns, during puberty and in older males), pathological reasons (in case of testicular, thyroid, liver or kidney function, the presence of tumours) and concluding with other reasons concerning the usage of medicine.

When diagnosing gynaecomastia it is important to evaluate patient’s complaints and to base on the objective results of examinations (in most cases – breast ultrasound).

Gynaecomastia can be classified into three degrees dependently on the amount of excess localized fat and the ability to feel the gland. When the cause and degree of a problem is decided, medical (treating the illness that has caused gynaecomastia) or surgical treatment can be applied.

There are three types of surgical treatment according to the degree of gynaecomastia:

• The 1st degree gynaecomastia – glandular tissue is removed;
• The 2nd degree gynaecomastia – liposuction from the breast area together with glandular tissue removal is performed;
• The 3rd degree gynaecomastia – liposuction from the breast area together with glandular tissue removal and excess skin removal is performed.

This surgery is not recommended for patients under 18, because any signs of gynaecomastia, which appeared during puberty, may disappear naturally after hormone adjustment.

Dependently on the volume of the surgery, gynaecomastia can be performed either under intravenous or endotracheal anesthesia and takes 1 – 2 hours. Patients are usually discharged from the clinic on the same day. A special band has to be worn for 3 – 4 weeks, resuming daily activities is allowed 4 – 6 weeks after the surgery. Barely visible scars remain after this surgery.

Possible complications: bruises, inverted nipples, scarring, uneven breast contours caused by insufficient liposuction.

The results of gynaecomastia correction are visible in two months and patients can enjoy manly chest, attractive bodylines and their increased self-esteem.

Examples of this kind of surgeries performed at our clinic can be found in our gallery.